On October 20, 2007 Michael and Susan depart for a month of travel in India. Here is our report.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pictures are now online for our India Adventure

Since finishing our trip to India, we have been home in Portland for 6 weeks. Here it is winter, sometimes cold, grey, and as soggy as the Pacific Northwest gets in order to maintain it's image. No longer do we wear shorts and enjoy cold showers on hot days as we did so often in India. Now we wear multiple layers to stay warm outside, and inside where we keep the house 60-65 degrees (15 - 18 C). Some days, like today, are cold, dry, and sometimes sunny - very nice. Great for a walk or bike ride.

It has taken all these weeks to get my photos organized, then sorted down to a manageable amount for online viewing. During this time I had a computer failure that added to the mess. Finally, they are ready to share.

You can view them at this site: http://picasaweb.google.com/indiaadventure2007

The web page sorts the albums chronologically with the oldest last, at the bottom of the page. In order to view the albums in proper order, go to the bottom and head up.

The most interesting albums are Delhi, Pushkar, Agra, and Pondicherry, but perhaps you might enjoy looking at a few pictures from each.

Michael & Susan Kuhn
Pictures: picasaweb.google.com/indiaadventure2007
Trip blog: www.indiaadventure2007.blogspot.com

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