On October 20, 2007 Michael and Susan depart for a month of travel in India. Here is our report.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Very briefly... We are at one recently rare internet shop and the group is having tea. I cannot keep them too long.
We had a traveler's nightmare with our travel guide/agency a few days ago. We were subjected to what was virtually extortion where several hundred dollars were demanded or we would be abandoned in a very remote village. After contacting the US State department we were advised to call the local police and report the extortion attempt. Upon informing the  guide, her manager, and the corporate offices of this very large well known tour company that police action and possible detention of their guide for questioning, they relented. We have now been delivered all that we contracted and paid for without paying any more money. The tour company is one of the  world's largest of its type.  They have not heard the last of this. I will be reporting all the details to whatever agencies concerned after our safe return home.  Needless to say we did not expect "adventure travel" to take such an ugly turn!
Today we are in Pushkar at the time of one of India's largest fairs, the Camel Festival! It is one heck of a sight! It is a bit like being in the middle of the Lawrence of Arabia set. It is primeval. It is absolutely fascinating. Thousands of camels, horses, cattle. Every kind of animal pulled transportation. Hundreds of stalls selling the worldly goods needed by a camel trader. Sadhus, snake charmers, beggars, jewelers, dancing horses, acrobats, tea wallas, camel taxis, and more. Our "deluxe" camp that we were to pay the premium for is a few steps above the miserable camps of the beggars, but well below even the most rudimentary hotel room. Its assets are comfortable cots and inside toilets. The city surrounds a small and beautiful lake that is India's main worship site for the god Brahma. Several of the group went down the steps to the water where priests gave them blessings. They were then subjected to high pressure to pay huge sums of money. Amazingly, a couple of our group did so and immediately regretted it.
We have one more night in camp and another day to wander Pushkar and the fair. Tomorrow night we travel by sleeper train back to Delhi for our final 36 hours in India. All in all it has been a very interesting trip, but not one I would repeat or even recommend. No matter, we have no regrets. It has just been a bit more and different "adventure" than we expected or wanted.

Michael & Susan Kuhn
Trip email: indiaadventure2007@gmail.com
Trip blog: www.indiaadventure2007.blogspot.com

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