On October 20, 2007 Michael and Susan depart for a month of travel in India. Here is our report.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hi from Delhi

It seems like it has been quite a while since I have last written to everyone. It is not that I haven't been thinking of you all, just have not had the time, and sometimes when I have had the time, I have just been too tired!!
I am in a rather dark Internet cafe without my glasses, and I can hardly see what I am typing.
We arrived by in Delhi this morning, after an overnight train from Pushkar, where the camel fair was. That was a lot of fun, and riding the camel was a lot of fun too. Much more fun then the elephant riding was. Getting up and down on the camel was quite scary, but after doing it once it was fine. It was (is) a long way up there. We rode out into the desert, and through the fair, and had some great Masala Chai, my new favorite tea. We are going to bring some home.
Delhi is as awful as we left it. I really dislike it here in Delhi. It is so polluted, and the traffic is so bad. There must be some good things about this place, but I have yet to find them. This evening we will have a beer, and bed early.
We went to McDonald's for lunch! We just had to taste their vegi burgers. They were OK, and the coffee was good. Mike was taking pictures, and they told him not to. He did anyway. Can't figure out why they did not want us to. Won't go in there again, but just had to try it.
I am very glad to be coming home now. I am ready, and so is Mike.
This has been an experience I will not soon forget. I am glad that I got the chance to come and see where (and to some degree how) 1.2 billion people live. I could never live here. I have not felt reallycleansince being here, and can't wait to feel so again. At least my hair is not falling out!
I have tons of mozzie bites, so glad that I am taking anti malarial drugs.
I really want a warm shower, not out of a bucket. I know all these things will come soon.
We traveled with a nice group of people. I wish I could say the same for our guide. What a looser she was. After our great guide in the South, it was really a disappointment.
Even tucked away in this tiny dark room with a few computers I can here the horns. All the time, and loud. The sidewalks are not for walking on, so we walk in the streets like everyone else, and at times I fear for our lives. There have been over 100 people killed so far, this year, by one bus line. I know that bus line! They are big and scary. I think there is a lot of scary stuff here, like this little cafe for instance. I just saw a couple of roaches playing in a corner. Yikes.
Seeing the multitude of beggars is so sad. Some of them have been mutilated on purpose. Their legs and arms bent. And so many little kids, holding babies, filthy kids, pointing to their mouths for food.
It is really hard to be here at times. There is nothing we can do. We have been warned over and over, not to give anything to them, and so we don't, (mostly). Coming in to the hotel this morning, the sidewalk for blocks, and blocks were covered with sleeping bodies. So this is India.
I think this will be the last post from me, from India. We may go to the airport early tomorrow, to hang out, as we have to be out of our room by 12.
Ok then, hope everyone is well.... see some of you soon...


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